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One-to-one, professional interview coaching. Land your next role 4X faster.

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Gain a HUGE advantage over your competition.

On average, Resume People® clients:

Land 3X more interviews using their new resume

Are offered their next position 4X faster

Secure a 24% starting salary uplift from their current role

What Will You Learn?

All of the necessary interview skills that are needed to get hired.


Our Proven Interview Coaching Process.

For over a decade, Resume People® interview coaching has helped secure positions for thousands of clients across Canada. Our interview coaches specialize in working with everyone from students trying to break into the workplace to CEOs directing Canada's most prestigious boardrooms. 


Demonstrate Strong And Positive Body Language.

Your body language during a job interview projects your emotions to the interviewer. There are certain movements and body positions that indicate negative emotions like nervousness or disdain, while others project interest and ease. We'll pay close attention to your body language during your mock interview and provide tips on how to be at ease.

If any of these situations sound familiar, now is the time to invest in your interview skills.

You don't get past the first interview

You get to the final interview but are not chosen

You leave an interview feeling like it went poorly … a lot

You've never formally interviewed

You have a language barrier

You have low self-esteem

You don't seem to know how to correctly answer questions

You've received negative feedback from a recruiter

You aren't sure how to answer questions due to unique situations

You struggle to effectively communicate your unique value proposition

Deliver Your Answers With Confidence & Conviction.

Confidence is the act of trusting yourself. During a job interview, showing that you trust yourself is critical because it can lead your interviewer to trust in you, as well. We'll take your confidence to a whole new level covering eye contact, posture, the handshake, breathing techniques, calming fidgeting, talking slowly and concisely and thinking positively.


The 4 steps to the perfect interview! Here's how we guarantee to get you hired faster.

STEP 1. Position Research
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STEP 2. Question Preparation
STEP 3. Mock Interview(s)
STEP 4. Feedback & Action

Before we jump into your interview prep, we research the positions you wish to interview for. This helps us understand what the recruiters' motivations are and how you as a candidate can solve their problems.

Using our recruitment experience and HR expertise, we compile a list of likely questions that you will be asked at the interview. We'll provide you with high-impact answers that resonate with the interviewer.

At a time that suits you, we'll jump on a video call and run through our findings from steps 1 & 2. We'll then progress to your mock interview. This lasts around an hour and we'll interview you just as the employer would.

We record your interview so you can play it back. We'll talk you through the positives and negatives and where you can improve. The end result is that you're more confident, providing answers with depth & structure.


Develop High-Impact Answers Which Resonate With The Interviewers.

Many interview questions are open-ended and require personalised and detailed answers that provide the employer with a good idea of your professional abilities and skills. There are ways to provide two- and three-part answers to make them sound professional and intelligent. We'll cover how to answer these questions succinctly, hitting the points that resonate with the interview.

Over 48,000 careers enhanced since 2011, read every review & testimonial here. We're proud to be Canada's highest-rated interview coaching service.

Our interview coaches specialize in working with the following clients:

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Let us take the stress out of your next interview. Here's how it works.


Choose your interview coaching below, complete your checkout and register on our portal.


Your coach will send you a link to their calendar to schedule an initial consultation call.


You'll be assigned the most experienced coach for your profession & career history.


Once your call is complete, the preparation starts. See our full interview coaching process here.

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